Get ready to experience an exhilarating adventure at PMG Karting World, the premier indoor go-karting…

Timed Sessions VS Lap Sessions
Going go-karting for the first time can be a bit intimidating, and wondering what type of sessions to sign up for is one of them. Track times can be confusing, right? So, you might be asking yourself… What’s the difference between lap races versus set time racing? Which one should I do? and which one is better? Both are very fun, but they’re very different in their own ways. Here’s a quick explanation:
What is a time-based race?
Unlike most races, where you only get as much time as it takes the fastest driver to complete the set number of laps, a time-based race gives everyone the same amount of time to do as many laps as possible. This makes it much easier for participants from all levels and abilities to compete against each other on equal footing.
With time-based sessions, you still get lap times so you can see your best times and there’s still the opportunity to get onto our lap leaderboard. You just don’t miss out on track time if you’re a slower driver!
What are lap-based sessions?
From a start on the grid, drivers compete to finish each lap in the quickest time possible. The race is competitive until the moment the race leader completes the last lap and crosses the finishing line and is declared the race winner. So the faster you drive, the more laps you will complete.
Time-based races are the most popular for us, for several reasons. The big one is that it makes sure that you get your full amount of track time.
We have a lot of sessions that are time-limited. The idea here is that it makes sure everyone who takes part gets their money’s worth.
We’ve found that time-based sessions are popular because they allow us to give you exactly what you want: From 15 minutes to two hours of track time to complete laps at your own pace, without having to worry about someone else completing more laps and cutting your time short. At PMG Karting World you can book in advance, so there’s no chance of missing out on getting some track time; when you arrive at our venue, you’ll get a full safety briefing as well as tips and tricks to get the best lap times and make the most of your sessions.
Both options have their benefits, but we prefer timed sessions because you know exactly how long you’re going to be at the track. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference—whatever gets your adrenaline pumping is what matters most!